Music Note Frequency Chart

Note Frequencies:

See all note frequencies in an organized chart. Keep in mind human hearing is from 20hz to 20,000hz. Note frequencies in that range have been grayed out for that reason.

Try it on a filtersweep.

Note Frequency Chart Index:

Go directly to the specific chart using the index below.

This is the note frequency chart that I find most useful.

Note Oct -1 Oct 0 Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 9 Oct 10
C 8.18 16.35 32.70 65.41 130.81 261.63 523.25 1046.50 2093.00 4186.01 8372.02 16744.04
C#/Db 8.66 17.32 34.65 69.30 138.59 277.18 554.37 1108.73 2217.46 4434.92 8869.84 17739.69
D 9.18 18.35 36.71 73.42 146.83 293.66 587.33 1174.66 2349.32 4698.64 9397.27 18794.54
D#/Eb 9.72 19.45 38.89 77.78 155.56 311.13 622.25 1244.51 2489.02 4978.03 9956.06 19912.13
E 10.30 20.60 41.20 82.41 164.81 329.63 659.26 1318.51 2637.02 5274.04 10548.08 21096.16
F 10.91 21.83 43.65 87.31 174.61 349.23 698.46 1396.91 2793.83 5587.65 11175.30 22350.61
F#/Gb 11.56 23.12 46.25 92.50 185.00 369.99 739.99 1479.98 2959.96 5919.91 11839.82 23679.64
G 12.25 24.50 49.00 98.00 196.00 392.00 783.99 1567.98 3135.96 6271.93 12543.85 25087.71
G#/Ab 12.98 25.96 51.91 103.83 207.65 415.30 830.61 1661.22 3322.44 6644.88 13289.75 26579.50
A 13.75 27.50 55.00 110.00 220.00 440.00 880.00 1760.00 3520.00 7040.00 14080.00 28160.00
A#/Bb 14.57 29.14 58.27 116.54 233.08 466.16 932.33 1864.66 3729.31 7458.62 14917.24 29834.48
B 15.43 30.87 61.74 123.47 246.94 493.88 987.77 1975.53 3951.07 7902.13 15804.27 31608.53

*Note - Some of the grayed out low note frequencies in this chart may be felt rather than heard. You'd need a sub that can reproduce frequencies that low, however.

1Khz(kilohertz) = 1,000Hz(Hertz). So when someone says, "Boost 12K," they mean boost at 12,000Hz, which is between F#/Gb and G on the Note Frequency Chart at Octave 9.

Maybe you want your root note length in milliseconds to coinside with the tempo of your song. This Note frequency Chart contains the MIDI number, note name, frequency and period.

The tuning of A4 is the measurement and tuning standard for Western music. Throughout the years A4 has ranged between 400 Hz and 480 Hz. Eventually a standardized pitch of 440 Hz for A4 was set. Many musicians and others prefer A432 instead of A440. Google it... Here are some terms if you want to go down that rabbit hole: A432, superior temperament to A440, middle C C4 256 Hz, Schuman resonance, Universe Golden Mean, Golden Ratio. (If you see an image representing the golden ratio, notice how it looks like a shell that is formed in nature - and how that looks similar to something like a tuba.

I digress... Here's your chart :)

MIDI Number Note Name Frequency (HZ) Period (ms)
21 A0 27.5 36.36
22 A#0/Bb0 29.135 34.32
23 B0 30.868 32.4
24 C1 32.703 30.58
25 C#1/Db1 34.648 28.86
26 D1 36.708 27.24
27 D#1/Eb1 38.898 25.71
28 E1 41.203 24.27
29 F1 43.654 22.91
30 F#1/Gb1 46.249 21.62
31 G1 48.999 20.41
32 G#1/Ab1 51.913 19.26
33 A1 55 18.18
34 A#1/Bb1 58.27 17.16
35 B1 61.736 16.2
36 C2 65.406 15.29
37 C#2/Db2 69.296 14.43
38 D2 73.416 13.62
39 D#2/Eb2 77.796 12.855
40 E2 82.406 12.135
41 F2 87.308 11.455
42 F#2/Gb2 92.498 10.81
43 G2 97.998 10.205
44 G#2/Ab2 103.826 9.63
45 A2 110 9.09
46 A#2/Bb2 116.54 8.58
47 B2 123.472 8.1
48 C3 130.812 7.645
49 C#3/Db3 138.592 7.215
50 D3 146.832 6.81
51 D#3/Eb3 155.592 6.4275
52 E3 164.812 6.0675
53 F3 174.616 5.7275
54 F#3/Gb3 184.996 5.405
55 G3 195.996 5.1025
56 G#3/Ab3 207.652 4.815
57 A3 220 4.545
58 A#3/Bb3 233.08 4.29
59 B3 246.944 4.05
60 C4 261.624 3.8225
61 C#4/Db4 277.184 3.6075
62 D4 293.664 3.405
63 D#4/Eb4 311.184 3.21375
64 E4 329.624 3.03375
65 F4 349.232 2.86375
66 F#4/Gb4 369.992 2.7025
67 G4 391.992 2.55125
68 G#4/Ab4 415.304 2.4075
69 A4 440 2.2725
70 A#4/Bb4 466.16 2.145
71 B4 493.888 2.025
72 C5 523.248 1.91125
73 C#5/Db5 554.368 1.80375
74 D5 587.328 1.7025
75 D#5/Eb5 622.368 1.606875
76 E5 659.248 1.516875
77 F5 698.464 1.431875
78 F#5/Gb5 739.984 1.35125
79 G5 783.984 1.275625
80 G#5/Ab5 830.608 1.20375
81 A5 880 1.13625
82 A#5/Bb5 932.32 1.0725
83 B5 987.776 1.0125
84 C6 1046.496 0.955625
85 C#6/Db6 1108.736 0.901875
86 D6 1174.656 0.85125
87 D#6/Eb6 1244.736 0.8034375
88 E6 1318.496 0.7584375
89 F6 1396.928 0.7159375
90 F#6/Gb6 1479.968 0.675625
91 G6 1567.968 0.6378125
92 G#6/Ab6 1661.216 0.601875
93 A6 1760 0.568125
94 A#6/Bb6 1864.64 0.53625
95 B6 1975.552 0.50625
96 C7 2092.992 0.4778125
97 C#7/Db7 2217.472 0.4509375
98 D7 2349.312 0.425625
99 D#7/Eb7 2489.472 0.40171875
100 E7 2636.992 0.37921875
101 F7 2793.856 0.35796875
102 F#7/Gb7 2959.936 0.3378125
103 G7 3135.936 0.31890625
104 G#7/Ab7 3322.432 0.3009375
105 A7 3520 0.2840625
106 A#7/Bb7 3729.28 0.268125
107 B7 3951.104 0.253125
108 C8 4185.984 0.23890625
109 C#8/Db8 4434.944 0.22546875
110 D8 4698.624 0.2128125
111 D#8/Eb8 4978.944 0.200859375
112 E8 5273.984 0.189609375
113 F8 5587.712 0.178984375
114 F#8/Gb8 5919.872 0.16890625
115 G8 6271.872 0.159453125
116 G#8/Ab8 6644.864 0.15046875
117 A8 7040 0.14203125
118 A#8/Bb8 7458.56 0.1340625
119 B8 7902.208 0.1265625
120 C9 8371.968 0.119453125
121 C#9/Db9 8869.888 0.112734375
122 D9 9397.248 0.10640625
123 D#9/Eb9 9957.888 0.1004296875
124 E9 10547.968 0.0948046875
125 F9 11175.424 0.0894921875
126 F#9/Gb9 11839.744 0.084453125
127 G9 12543.744 0.0797265625

Note Frequencies and Music

Note frequencies refer to the specific sound frequencies that each musical note produces. In Western music, these notes are named (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) and each note has a corresponding frequency in hertz (Hz), which is the unit of measurement for frequency.

The relationship between frequency and musical notes has been well-studied, and it has been found that certain frequency ratios sound harmonious to the human ear. This led to the development of the 12-tone equal temperament system, which is used as the standard tuning system for most Western music. In this system, the interval between any two adjacent notes is a fixed ratio, making it possible to play in any key without significantly altering the sound of the music.

Frequency and Tuning

The standard tuning for most musical instruments is based on a 440 Hz reference frequency for the note A4 (which is often referred to as "Concert A"). This note serves as a reference point for all other notes, and from this reference point, other notes can be calculated using mathematical relationships based on the musical scale. For example, the frequency of C4 is 261.63 Hz, while C5 is 523.25 Hz.

It is important to note that while 440 Hz is the standard reference frequency, other reference frequencies have been used in the past and are still used in some cultures. For example, in the 18th and 19th centuries, A4 was often tuned to a lower frequency, around 415 Hz. This difference in reference frequency is known as pitch standard, and it can have a significant impact on the sound of the music.

Music Theory and Frequencies

Understanding note frequencies is important in musical theory and in tuning instruments. The accurate tuning of notes is essential to producing harmonious music, and deviations from the standard tuning can result in an inharmonic sound. For example, if two instruments are playing the same note but are out of tune with each other, the result will be a discordant sound.

Instrument shape, Material and Sound

Instrument makers must carefully consider the note frequencies when designing and building their instruments, as different materials and shapes will affect the way the instrument vibrates and produces sound. For example, a violin string will vibrate at a different frequency than a guitar string of the same length and tension, because the two instruments are made of different materials and have different shapes.

In addition to the material and shape of the instrument, the method of playing can also impact the note frequencies. For example, a brass instrument player can produce different note frequencies by adjusting the lip tension and the shape of the oral cavity, while a string player can produce different note frequencies by adjusting the pressure on the strings and the position of the finger.


To summarize, note frequencies are a crucial aspect of music, as they determine the specific sound frequencies that each musical note produces. Understanding the relationships between frequency and musical notes is essential for tuning instruments, composing music, and appreciating the harmonious sounds of music. The standard tuning for most Western music is based on a 440 Hz reference frequency for the note A4, but other reference frequencies have been used in the past and are still used in some cultures. Regardless of the reference frequency, the accurate tuning of notes is essential for producing harmonious music.