Lynx by Xenobioz

Xenobioz / Lynx
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Lynx is a synthesizer with 2 Unison oscillators with 7 voices each and 14 combined. It features a powerful wave editor that lets you draw and modify all the waveforms for both Oscillators and LFOs.
Lynx is made by custom modules coded in C++ especially for Lynx. Therefore it uses a lot less CPU than Most of the older xenobioz VSTs. The waveform editor is also far superior to all of the earlier xenobioz VSTs and is both easier to use and more powerful.
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Lynx by Xenobioz
Features are:
- 2 Drawable oscillators, each with up to 7 detunable voices for Unison.
- A Wave Editor with many manipulation functions like:
- FM.
- Harmonics.
- Random wave generation.
- Noise Generation.
- Add.
- Multiply.
- Cycle Combination.
- Phase Distortion.
- 2 LFOs with Envelope and Step mode (Changes value only on new note).
- 2 ADSRs with adjustable curves.