niveau filter by elysia

elysia / niveau filter
niveau filter
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The niveau filter first gained prominence in the filter section of elysia’s famous mpressor, where it was used to add punch to muffled snares, reduce the harshness from active pickups, or as a sound design tool to create everything from a telephone tone to low-fi loops. This filter provides a super simple way to change the overall sonic character of a signal. It features two comprehensive controllers and is capable of producing powerful results in no time at all. Whenever a classic shelving filter would be too limited and a fully parametric filter would be too much, the niveau filter plugin is the perfect tool.
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niveau filter by elysia
The niveau filter provides two basic controls: EQ gain and EQ frequency. Together, they allow you to change the proportions between high and low frequencies on your tracks. The principle is similar to a pair of scales. The “EQ Freq” knob sets the center frequency. The “EQ Gain” knob controls the amount of EQ applied to your signal. When the EQ Gain knob is at 12 o’clock, there is no EQ applied. When you turn the EQ Gain knob to the right, you boost frequencies above the center frequency while simultaneously reducing frequencies below the center frequency. When you turn the EQ Gain to the left you boost frequencies below the center frequency while simultaneously reducing frequencies above the center frequency.
The frequency knob allows you to select a center frequency anywhere between 26 Hz and 2.2 kHz or between 260 Hz and 22 kHz when the x10 switch is activated. Setting the frequency knob all the way to the right will give you a low pass filter while setting it all the way to the left results in a high pass filter.
- Tilts frequencies towards the highs or lows
- Balances the frequency spectrum of your mix
- EQ gain boosts or cuts
- Frequency variable between 26Hz and 22kHz
- Totally FREE!
Solid Filter