Teufelsberg NSA listening tower impulse responses by BalanceMastering

BalanceMastering / Teufelsberg NSA listening tower impulse responses
Teufelsberg NSA listening tower impulse responses
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A set of reverb impulse responses allowing you to use the acoustics of the main listening tower at the former NSA compound
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Teufelsberg NSA listening tower impulse responses by BalanceMastering
From Balance Master site: (there'e also more explaning impulse resonses. You should check it out.)
We've recorded the impulse responses with great care and mastered them to be useful in a wide variety of situations. There are six (quite different) variations to experiment with and apply to your source audio. Finding an opportunity to approach the towers and record the impulses was tough, not to mention having to climb and squeeze through a tiny gap to reach the uppermost tower, so we hope you enjoy incorporating a piece of Cold War history into your music and audio productions.